Fall Down, And Get Back Up

But sometimes in your life, when you get fall down. You feel like didn't have strength to back up. Do you think you have hope, cause I tell you, I'm down here, face down.

And I have no arms no legs, it should be impossible for me to get back up. But, it's no, you see, I would try 100 times to get back up. Any five found in hundred times.

If I failed, and I give up, do you think I will gonna get up? No, but if I fail, I will try again, and again, and again, but I just want you to know, it's not the end.

It's that how you to get finish, ARE YOU GONNA FINISH STRONG? You will find that strength to get BACK UP! Watch this...

This video was published by Ivan Hadi Wibowo when Kopi Darat Creative Circle Indonesian show. I love this video, and I want share what I am feeling now. What Nic Bujicic said about fall down and get back up, and I was inspired and want to do more, more and more. Depend on what I want to do and what I want to get. Espescially, on this "seeking jobs" time.

The video was so AMAZING! I was hit on the neck to see and get the message by him. "Get back up," is one phrase that I should do now, more and more.

Thanks Ivan Hadi Wibowo whose share this video to me. I get a lot of things to do and role my life again and again with one word, FIGHT!

Quote: Fall down is not always the end of the world....


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